Op-Ed Columnist – The Prurient Trap – NYTimes.com

Source: www.nytimes.com
    Well, what do you know? Oklahoma is in among the top 10 states that have the highest divorce rate, the highest teen birth rate and the highest percentage of subscriptions to porn sites, despite the pontifications about “morality” from Sally Kern and her ilk.     

Design Crush

Source: 4designerd.blogspot.com
    Excellent blog by Oklahoma graphic artist.    

Think Progress » Corker Impatiently Blows Off Meeting With Sotomayor Because She Was Slowed By Tempo

Source: thinkprogress.org
    Hobbling around on crutches and 10 minutes late! Oh, the humanity! When I saw the headline for this story (which didn’t name the Senator), I thought, “probably one of the a-hole senators from Oklahoma!” But no, this a-hole Republican Senator is from TN. Anyway, Inhofe said he’s voting against her, and doesn’t need to meet with her, or think about it. So that would cut the chance for being one of ours in half, though one of them will demonstrate their a-holery again soon enough, you can be sure.    

Workshop on Army AWOL regs and procedures for surrender and discharge

GI Rights: AWOL in the Army
Introductory training session for anyone seeking to help GIs know their legal options
Sunday, June 21, 4:30-6:30
Joy Mennonite Church, 504 NE 16th, OKC
A workshop entitled AWOL No More: (Relatively) Painless Processing Out of the Army will be offered on Sunday June 21 at 4:30 pm. The program will help volunteers learn […]