
When I was a teenager, and not allowed to swear or ever express any negativity at home, in my pent-up rage at just about everything, I developed a mega-curse I …

Our Word

Our Word is a feminst group blog that grew out of the pie fight on Daily Kos. They’re using Drupal — good choice.

Freedom's big tent

Steve Guillard: The best thing about American journalism is that anyone can do it. No license, no training. If Rachel Carson wants to write Silent Spring or Ralph Nader Unsafe …

The Confederate Flag

Steve Gilliard: People all over the world know what they’re looking at when they see the Confederate Flag. Regardless of what those who display the Confederate Flag may say it …

Abortion is good

Kos won’t put this on his front page, but I will. It’s always painful when places you thought might be one of the last few outposts of saniety’s [sic] owner …

Give Peace a Chance

By JOHN TIERNEY You would never guess it from the news, but we’re living in a peculiarly tranquil world. The new edition of “Peace and Conflict,” a biennial global survey …