Dennos Libertad (Give Us Freedom) music video

Back on September 26, I joined the band MoonSue and friends as they filmed a music video on the steps of the Oklahoma State Capitol. My photos are here. Now the video has been released. The song has been playing on some of the Spanish language stations for a few weeks, and reportedly getting good response. I’m not into music, but I am into the message this group and this song is about.

Dennos Libertad is a song written and performed by MoonSue, in an effort to promote peace and unity across the United States, between all people, regardless of background, ethnicity, race, or creed. It is also intended to reassure all citizens of this country that all anyone wants is life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

This song is an effort to encourage those who are being persecuted for their background, for their ethnicity, and sometimes for choices that they or their parents made in order to secure a better life for themselves and their children.

For more info: MoonSue Foundation for the Latino Arts