'Oklahomans Taken For A Ride' film screening on Sat. 8/2 in OKC

Don Grissom film, Oklahomans Taken for a Ride, to be screened Saturday, August 2, in OKC

The film Oklahomans Taken for a Ride will be shown 1 p.m. Saturday, August 2, 2008 at the Belle Isle Library in Oklahoma City . The film highlights the importance of protecting Oklahoma ‘s rail infrastructure and putting it to better use.  The event is being sponsored by the Coalition to Save Union Station Railyard.

This film explores the extent to which Oklahoma City ‘s transportation future is threatened by plans of the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) to rip out the 12-track Oklahoma City Union Station railyard as a part of the I-40 Crosstown relocation.  The film details ODOT rerouting plans while also detailing efforts to fight the destruction of the railyard.  The video also shows how the facility could be reused as an Oklahoma multi-modal transportation hub.

The filmmaker, Don Grissom, is a graduate of Norman High School .  He worked in film and video production in Washington , D.C. for 28 years, recently returning to Norman in 2007 to continue his documentary career.  He has been involved in the production of One World Quest (Muheim Motion Pictures), Benny Andrews Route 66 Tour (Ogden Museum of Southern Art), Intel Wars (CNN Documentary), Extreme Makeover (ABC), Drugs (Frontline, Resolute Films), and many other films.

A discussion will follow the 24-minute film.

The film is free and the public is invited.

Belle Isle Library is located at 5501 N. Villa in Oklahoma City (on NW Expressway).

OK Dems call for Inhofe to return donations from indicted Stevens

The Democratic Party of Oklahoma has called for Senator Jim Inhofe to return “tainted” money he received from Sen. Ted Stevens, who was indicted today corruption charges. The Oklahoma politician is running for re-election this year, and got $10,000 from Stevens political PAC for his campaign.

The campaign of Andrew Rice, Inhofe’s Democratic chanllenger, posted in a blog, “Today, the differences between Andrew Rice and his opponent, Republican Sen. Jim Inhofe, became even clearer.”

Senator Elizabeth Dole donated her money from Stevens to charity earlier today. A similar call has been made to Oregon Senator Gordon Smith.  
ODP Press Release: http://www.andrewforoklahoma.c…

Inhofe Should Return Money He Received From Indicted Senator

OKLAHOMA CITY (July 29, 2008) Oklahoma’s U.S. Senator Jim Inhofe should return $12,000 in campaign contributions that he has received from indicted fellow U.S. Senator Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, Oklahoma Democratic Party Chairman Dr. Ivan Holmes said today.

Sen. Stevens was charged today with seven counts of making false statements, according to a 28-page federal grand jury indictment, regarding payments of more than $250,000 in goods and services he allegedly received from an oil company.  The items include home improvements, autos and household items.

“This is a classic example of why Americans have lost faith in Washington,” Holmes said.  “Senator Stevens has been very generous to his good friend Jim Inhofe, whom we know is also close to big oil companies.   Now we know that the money may be tainted and I believe our Senator needs to come clean,” Holmes said.

The Northern Lights Political Action Committee was formed by Stevens to raise money and help his fellow Republican colleagues stay elected.   The Stevens PAC contributed the maximum of $10,000 to Inhofe’s 2008 re-election committee, according to Federal Election Commission reports.  He contributed another $2000 to Inhofe for his 2002 campaign.   (2/11/02 – $2000; 6/22/05-$1000; 6/14/07-$4000; 4/15/08-$5000)

“Even though Senator Stevens’ legal problems have been known for more than a year, Senator Inhofe still agreed to take his contributions,” Holmes said.  “If he wants Oklahomans to believe he is not part of the problem in Washington, Inhofe should return the contributions he received from his indicted friend,” Holmes added.

According to the indictments Stevens knowingly and intentionally sought to conceal and cover up his receipt of things of value by filing financial disclosure forms that contained false statements and omissions concerning Stevens’ receipt of these things of value.

“Oklahomans are tired of the cozy relationship between Senators and lobbyists in Washington and the Stevens case is “the last straw,” Holmes said.

Senator No

by Steven D, originally published at Booman Tribune and reprinted here with permission.

It’s a sad fact, but Senator Dodd was unable to stop a very bad FISA bill, that even Bruce Fein, a former Reagan official at the Department of Justice claims is a gross violation of our civil liberties.  Majority Leader Senator Harry Reid wouldn’t let him.  Yet one man, one Senator, has been able to stop dozens of bills simply by saying “no” to Harry Reid.  Who is this all powerful Senator?  Why a Republican, of course:

. . . Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) has a large framed picture next to his desk that serves as a constant reminder of his political ideology. Inside the black frame and matting is a single word, in large white letters: “No.”

Coburn has become best known as the lawmaker who says no — no to increased funding for unsolved civil rights crimes, no to creation of a national registry for victims of the disease ALS, no to more money for child pornography prosecutions. […]

Most of the bills, including a child pornography law that passed the House 409 to 0 in November, are so noncontroversial that they would normally sail through on voice votes, with no roll call taken. […]

Since January 2007, Coburn has used his senatorial “hold” to block more than 80 pieces of legislation, which means Reid knows that Coburn will object to unanimous consent on those bills.

Coburn is also the Senator who put a hold on extending additional protections to government whistleblowers, a bill that had already passed the House 331 to 84.  The same bill that would likely pass the Senate with a veto proof majority if it were allowed to come to a vote.

Does anyone wonder anymore why Congress has such a poor approval rating?  When Republicans held the majority they passed whatever the hell they wanted (or whatever Bush told them to pass) and Democrats were powerless, or at least they claimed they were.  Remember the Terry Schiavo legislation?  That passed even though a majority in the country opposed it because the Democrats in the Senate caved. Yet, now, when Republican Senators up for re-election are running scared and willing to back many Democratic proposals, Reid lets one yahoo nutcase like Tom Coburn put the kabosh on any and all legislation regardless of how beneficial it might be.  Need you be reminded of just how loonie Coburn is, take a peek at this:


At a Republican meeting this spring, Coburn warned: “The gay community has infiltrated the very centers of power in every area across this country, and they wield extreme power … That agenda is the greatest threat to our freedom that we face today. Why do you think we see the rationalization for abortion and multiple sexual partners? That’s a gay agenda.” […]

“I favor the death penalty for abortionists and other people who take life,” he told the Associated Press in July. Last week, he told the Hugo [Okla.] Daily News: “We need someone who will speak morally on the issues and not run from the criticism of the national press … We need to have moral clarity about our leaders. I have a 100 percent pro-life record. I don’t apologize for saying we need to protect the unborn. Do you realize that if all those children had not been aborted, we wouldn’t have any trouble with Medicare and Social Security today? That’s another 41 million people.” […]

In 1999, after the massacre at Columbine High School in Colorado, Coburn opposed President Clinton’s proposal for making adults liable if they allow their children to buy guns and harm others. “If I wanted to buy a bazooka to use in a very restricted way, to do something, I ought to be able to do that,” said Coburn.

Yet this moron is allowed the privilege by Harry Reid to hold up any damn thing he wants, no matter how popular it is with his own Republican colleagues.  This ideologue and criminal, who illegally sterilized one of his Native American female patients without her consent and filed a fraudulent Medicaid insurance claim, is more powerful than Harry Reid.  You have to ask yourself — why?  Why does Reid allow this buffoon to run rings around him, and delay and deter desperately needed legislation?

Whatever happens in the Presidential election this Fall, Democrats are likely to retain their control over the House and Senate. And if there is one thing we’ve learned it is that our current Democratic Leaders, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have been a disaster for the Democratic Party.  They were not only dead wrong on FISA, but they have been ineffective across the board in promoting the Democratic Party’s stated agenda, from ending the Iraq occupation to increasing funding for the SCHIP program, which provides health insurance to uninsured children.  Reid allowed the Senate to pass the Lieberman-Kyl amendment which all but grants the Bush administration permission to attack Iran at its discretion.

Time after time Harry Reid has proven himself to be a gutless coward when it comes to standing up for  progressive policies which have the support of the majority of Americans.  When push comes to shove, he’s permitted President Bush to get whatever he wanted on the important issues of the day.  And now he has allowed one idiot Senator from Oklahoma to run rings around him in blocking the passage of needed bipartisan legislation.  It’s time for Democrats to just say no to Harry Reid’s continued tenure as Senate Majority Leader.  If he can’t out think and outfight Tom Coburn, he doesn’t deserve to lead the Senate.

Sally Kern condemns campaign for workplace fairness

Saying that GLBT activists have revealed that they indeed do have an “agenda,” Sally Kern has returned to her own: promoting anti-gay bigotry in the guise of Judeo-Christian values.

In a statement reminiscent of the secretly recorded speech that got her global attention earlier this year, Kern warned Oklahomans about the dire consequences of the “Clock In for Equality” Day organized by Lambda Legal. The national group asks workers to pledge to support a fair environment for gays and lesbians. The event takes place May 15.

She urged Oklahomans who support traditional families to become more active in social policy fights “or we will cede the victory to groups seeking special rights based on changeable homosexual behavior.”

“Those of us who believe in preserving traditional marriage and upholding Judeo-Christian values cannot afford to simply stand on the sideline,” Kern said in a prepared statement. “The groups committed to undermining those ideals remain active and if we do nothing, they win by default.”

Kern insists that she is against discrimination, but that this  campaign (and of course any other that seeks to end or prevent discrimination based on sexual orientation) involves giving “special rights” to gays and lesbians.

Kern’s “confusion” about political action agendas, and who’s allowed to have them is noted by Timothy Kincaid at Box Turtle Bulletin.

So Sally isn’t for discrimination, she just doesn’t want anyone to organize against it. And she wants people to “become more active in social policy fights” to fight against an agenda with which she finds a common goal.

In Oklahoma, Kern’s antics are getting tiresome. She is facing multiple Democratic challengers for her seat in the state House. The first to announce, Ron Marlett, is having a fundraiser on May 20.

Due to the publicity Kern garnered by her outrageous statements from last winter, her religious-themed legislation has generated far more public protest than in the past. A bill to allow religious expression in public schools passed 70 – 28, and efforts are underway to ask the Democratic governor to veto it.

Cross posted at Pam’s House Blend