My "local" grocery store is 2.2 miles away, or 4.5+ hours round trip by foot
According to Google Maps, I can hop in my car and get to a nice Homeland Supermarket in 8 minutes. Lucky me. Not all my neighbors are that fortunate, and …
Activist | Writer | Journalist | Editor | Podcaster | Web Developer
According to Google Maps, I can hop in my car and get to a nice Homeland Supermarket in 8 minutes. Lucky me. Not all my neighbors are that fortunate, and …
In their decision in Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission, the Supreme Court of John Roberts twisted the knife in for the kill of representative democracy in this country. Literally …
Oklahoma was once a hotbed of radical labor organizing. I say, let’s take our state BACK! If the image doesn’t display, see 1/20/2011 event here: Update/Caveat: I don’t know …
This is an ad that was on page 5A of today’s paper. I wonder how much The Oklahoman charged and profited to print this piece of garbage. Yeah, I wonder …
Just found out my rabidly conservative brother is sending me a signed copy of Sarah Palin’s book for Christmas. He’s also sending a copy to my other brother’s wife, who …
At least that’s how is sounds in this article: Protesters cut short Edmond sustainability forum » Local News » The Edmond Sun. Not only are they against anything with Democratic …
Facebook | Oklahomans for Motor Vehicle Safety. Our fanatical senator (ok, ONE of our fanatical senators, the younger one), is on one of his high horses, not that he ever …
Oklahoma City needs its PFlag chapter revived (or even a local contact/representative listed on the national site). Now more than ever. If you are a parent of a glbt or …
And of course, few in OKC bother to support this talented progressive singer songwriter. Next time someone complains that OKC doesn’t get included in such tours, I’ll just ask, well, …