Big Fat Lying Arrestee
Atrios, what a stickler: “It’s all semantics,” says Capt. Mark Chamberlain, a jail supervisor, about whether a person who surrenders can be called “arrested.” “But it’s definitely going to count …
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Atrios, what a stickler: “It’s all semantics,” says Capt. Mark Chamberlain, a jail supervisor, about whether a person who surrenders can be called “arrested.” “But it’s definitely going to count …
Seeing the Forest: Colbert Affair Exposes Loss of Rights Don Imus was the speaker at the 1996 Correspondent’s dinner and his talk insulted President Clinton along the lines of the …
Stephen Colbert was not funny. Tom DeLay is like Jesus Christ. No one could have anticipated that the levees would be breached. We do not torture. There is no global …
When someone does something nice for you without expecting anything in return, it’s only right to thank them.
FEC Won’t Regulate Internet Politics – Yahoo! News Expanded explanation of how this affects the netroots.
This is a piece of postive news, if a bit overdue. No no more “homesexuals” in their news articles. “The Gay Agenda” advances again! My late friend Dana Whitehurst would …
Jane at FireDogLake points to a story about another Texas hunting accident. Seems the name of the hunter in this case was Hispanic, and guess what? They threw the book …
(I thought I’d already posted this, can’t find it, so will back up and get it in the collection.) Media Matters did a statistical study of the Sunday talking heads …
Steve’s take on a MSM Wall-Street-themed take on blogs. You can count on him for a reality check. To the writer (of the NY Metro feature), blog readers are simply …