No god. No comment

Truthdig – An Atheist Manifesto Atheism is not a philosophy; it is not even a view of the world; it is simply a refusal to deny the obvious. Unfortunately, we …


Digby examines the pundit class’ Pathological Fear Of Hippies The political issues were just a small part of why people voted for Nixon both times and why the political establishment …

Deposing the president

Never thought I’d say this: Thank you, Paula Jones!? Our Wilson-bashing friends also don’t seem to have thought through what’s likely to happen in plaintiffs’ discovery. Libby and Rove are …


Found in a comment thread at Firedoglake. May be useful for signs and banners. Sorry for the ALL CAPS — in the original and I don’t have time to edit …

Save the News

Attytood: A plea to America’s news directors and editors: Cancel Bush’s “Fear Factor” So why does the media fall for bogus or misleading terror stories, Charlie-Brown-football-like, time after time? One …

Fascism in America

“When facism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the American flag.” – Huey Long In 2003, the Free Inquiry magazine published an article by Lawrence Britt, called “Fascism, …

Joe blinks

I don’t usually post about Democratic Party machinations, but this is a giddy day in Netrootsland. Booman’s take: Lieberman Jumps Ship Joe Lieberman jumped ship today. He pledged to run …

War on the media

Media Matters – “Media Matters”; by Paul Waldman This week, the conservatives declared war. Not on The New York Times. Not even on the media in general. No, this week …