A visit from Camilo

Tonight I attended a potluck dinner followed by a talk by Camilo Mejia, the conscientious objector who was imprisoned for nine months here in Oklahoma for following his conscience and …

Help an Okie shake up Texas!

Well, I just swallowed my pride and made a mass appeal for donations via email to the greater activist community in OKC. I’ve needed to do it just to get …

Bridging the GDI divide

Ken Sain, partly due to the prominence of his blog in the Green world and partly due to his experience as a professional journalist, has taken the lead in trying …

Murrow lives

This sounds exciting: a new movie about the McCarthy era, with Edward R. Murrow as the hero. Back when journalists were still able to be heroes, before money corrupted news …

SCOTUS blogs – Updated

Independent Court.org TPM Cafe’s Supreme Court Watch Campaign for the Court Think Progress’ Supreme Court Extra Update: The Supreme Court Guide for Activists (a project of The American Prospect) Feel …

Political fashion statement

Oklahoma’s red flag waves again, thanks to my friends and OK Greens co-conspirators, Rachel Jackson and James Branum. They have developed and are selling t-shirts (maybe later other products?) that …