We’re going to have a special report later today about the Join the Impact! rally on the steps of city hall in Oklahoma City. but here are links to photos
DarlaJane’s Flickr set
Trey (one of the organizers) has some photos of OKC event at Towle Road (use the menu to check out the albums from Tulsa also, as well as cities around the country.
Gossip Boy (OKC Gay news site)
Other reports and photos from across the nation:
Andrew Sullivan’s Daily Dish
Pam’s House Blend Join the Impact! Flickr Group
Join the Impact! National Flickr Group
Last but not least, the sites where the action was organized (and probably future actions will be too)
National: Join the Impact! Blog | Join the Impact! organizing wiki | Facebook | Twitter
Oklahoma: OK section on wiki | Facebook
And, Tulsa also had a event. See videos from justinfeed and shelton26ash (brief, but better audio).