
My daily must-reads Americablog Booman Tribune Crooks and Liars Suburban Guerilla Firedoglake Digby's Hullabaloo Glenn Greenwald After Downing Street Down With Tyranny Common Dreams Think Progress Action Characters Code Pink …

Joyeux Noel film event photos

From John via Batch: The French film JOYEUX NOEL must be seen. Twenty groups cosponsored an OK.City showing. Here are photos from he Reception following the film. (Find the Peace …

TV ads tout progressivism and The Center for American Progress have joined forces to produce some tv ads that point out that most Americans do, in fact (based on numerous polls), have “progressive” …

Chat Room

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MSNBC TV show transcripts

I just spent 30 minutes trying to find a link to the page at where one can find transcripts to previous shows. Thanks to Google, and to none of …