Everybody knows
We’ve been had.
Activist | Writer | Journalist | Editor | Podcaster | Web Developer
At least that’s how is sounds in this article: Protesters cut short Edmond sustainability forum » Local News » The Edmond Sun. Not only are they against anything with Democratic …
So it hit me last night, while watching The Universe on DVD (as I usually do on weekends) — seeing the (really) big picture has a way of calming the …
Facebook | Oklahomans for Motor Vehicle Safety. Our fanatical senator (ok, ONE of our fanatical senators, the younger one), is on one of his high horses, not that he ever …
That was the rallying cry, back in the day. And by so claiming, and believing, they were powerful. It was an amazing period of history, when women got fed up …
This is a fun addition to the annual ritual of listening to Alice’s Restaurant on Thanksgiving Day — illustrations of the story. Now you can watch the story (as you …
Seriously, if you haven’t considered this angle on the issue, have you been living under a rock for 30+ years? Or maybe it wasn’t a rock, maybe it was a …
And of course, few in OKC bother to support this talented progressive singer songwriter. Next time someone complains that OKC doesn’t get included in such tours, I’ll just ask, well, …
and I didn’t touch Social Security or Medicare. I did touch the Pentagon pretty aggressively, in fact, I went the full Monty (at least as far as the NY Times …