A light in Waco

I moved to the Waco area from the Oklahoma City Metro, home of “the worst newspaper in America“(CJR). The Waco Trib is slightly better, which instead of a failing grade …

Murrow lives

This sounds exciting: a new movie about the McCarthy era, with Edward R. Murrow as the hero. Back when journalists were still able to be heroes, before money corrupted news …

The privileged class

It looks like the media have, once again, been played for patsies. Rove is history (and not in a good way), the silliness of predicting future events is back in …

A Rove is a Rove

In today’s Oklahoman, in an AP story about President Bush’s new ethics guidelines for White House employees, the name of the Deputy Chief of Staff, which hasn’t exactly been scarce …

Miller Time at Whiskey Bar

Billmon has an excellect dissection of the journalistic ethics involved in the Plamegate leak. He even discusses the possible need for an act of civil disobedience if the circumstances involve …

Pooping the Scoop

Billmon of Whiskey Bar has just been on fire with Plamegate. His level of disgust with “the Cheney Administration” rises with every post; with each I think he cannot possibly …