W is for War

Larry Beinhart says we should just “Give George Bush His War” George Bush wants the war. He wants it to be his issue. Yes. Yes, please, let him have it. …

Chef Moz

Dmoz is just the greatest thing on the web; if you like Wikipedia, you will love the Open Directory Project! Now it has expanded and includes Chef Moz, a open-directory …

Dear Dining Public

Awesome rant from a professional restaurant server, giving the commandments of eating out: best of craigslist : RANT: The Dining Public. Rules of the Road. Hattip to First Draft.

Vote 2006: a time for Americanism

Brent Budowsky predicts the outcome of the elections this year. He thinks America will win. The Washington insiders don’t get it, but its really simple, this election is not about …

Our Daily Bread

Another beautiful essay entitled “Pass the Bread” from Bill Moyers, in which he continues to try to explain America to himself, and to us. I love this quote from it: …


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