Day 6: Obama caves to Republican hissy fits

Well, that didn’t take long, did it?

I can’t believe that President Obama is ALREADY letting the Republicans run (i.e. ruin) his plan for an economic stimulus. Here’s an idea for putting his eloquence and now ownership of a big fat bully pulpit to use: explain to the American people exactly how family planning (more than just contraceptives) — or lack of it — impacts a family budget. In fact, most of us already know this rather obvious reality, but you can perhaps enlighten some Rethugs and the stupid media who obviously have never had to worry about money a day in their lives.

What makes me so furious is, we don’t need the Republicans to pass this package, anyway. Why, oh why are we knuckling under to the people who have already demonstrated their utter indifference to the poor – and their economic incompetence? We voted for Democrats because we didn’t want to see important legislative decisions based on right-wing memes:

Call Waxman’s office and give him an earful:
DC: 202-225-3976
CA offices:

And contact President Obama by email here, or call:


I hope Pelosi turns around and gets a much bigger bill for family planning passed. It’s certainly needed, and can help families immediately and for the next several years as the economy recovers. And shame on Obama for not backing the Speaker up on this.

6 thoughts on “Day 6: Obama caves to Republican hissy fits

  1. Jessika

    Apparently “bipartisan” means letting the Republicans get whatever they want.

    Very disappointed about this. What the Dems should do is fight and then when the Republicans try to drag this out, they get the flack for blocking it.

  2. Yogi

    I don’t know. Some of my Republican friends are mad at Obama about this also. How can the left and right both be angry about the same thing?

  3. Yogi

    I don’t know. Some of my Republican friends are mad at Obama about this also. How can the left and right both be angry about the same thing?

  4. sterrapin

    So what happened to that Democratic “mandate” ?

    In time Barack Obama will hopefully hone the use of the bully pulpit he has, and most of us out here in Americaland already know the Rethuglicans DO NOT have OUR best interests in mind. I was disppointed he tried to please “everybody” — and the Rethuglicans in the House all voted NO anyway.

  5. sterrapin

    So what happened to that Democratic “mandate” ?

    In time Barack Obama will hopefully hone the use of the bully pulpit he has, and most of us out here in Americaland already know the Rethuglicans DO NOT have OUR best interests in mind. I was disppointed he tried to please “everybody” — and the Rethuglicans in the House all voted NO anyway.

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