Margaret and Helen

I don’t know if this blog is really written by an 82 year old woman living in Texas writing to her friend in Maine, who had to have her blog …

The problem with McCain-Palin, condensed

Mccain and Palin and their ilk don’t laugh. They patronize. They don’t smile, they snicker. They don’t debate, they denigrate. They don’t talk, they condescend. They don’t argue, they ridicule. There is a nastiness, a mean-spiritedness, a smug certitude, and a profound and baseless arrogance seething from both of them. These aren’t leaders. They’re not even grownups.

Milk the Movie

I am SO excited about and looking forward to this movie. Harvey Milk, the first openly gay person elected to a major political office in the U.S., is a huge …

Liberal Pride

I disagree with some of the finer points (I call myself a progressive, not a liberal, which is a term that came later to mean what it means now), but …

American Woman

Documentary intro, narrated by Michell Obama’s mother Michelle Obama’s speech to the Democratic convention Their story makes me so proud to be an American, and it will be so great …

Move On wordplay

Tristero at Digby’s place looks today at “the problem of modern rhetoric” within the Right/Left political debate, prompted by the supposedly right-wing answer to MoveOn’s Eli Parisher makes the …