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Attytood: A plea to America’s news directors and editors: Cancel Bush’s “Fear Factor” So why does the media fall for bogus or misleading terror stories, Charlie-Brown-football-like, time after time? One …
Activist | Writer | Journalist | Editor | Podcaster | Web Developer
Attytood: A plea to America’s news directors and editors: Cancel Bush’s “Fear Factor” So why does the media fall for bogus or misleading terror stories, Charlie-Brown-football-like, time after time? One …
Barbra O’Brien of Mahablog guest blogs at Unclaimed Territory and introduces her series on saving democracy through media activism. I can’t wait to read the rest of it. She says …
When A Net Neutrality Tie Is A Win | TPMCafe The news stories following the Senate Commerce Committee vote on Net Neutrality pictured it as a defeat for the forces …
Texas is raising the speed limit to 80 mph on some roads because that’s what 85% of drivers are going anyway. Many Texans are all over this immigration debate, outraged …
Seeing the Forest: Colbert Affair Exposes Loss of Rights Don Imus was the speaker at the 1996 Correspondent’s dinner and his talk insulted President Clinton along the lines of the …
This is critical. So please take action RIGHT NOW!!! Sign MoveOn’s petition and call Congress today. More info.
A great speech by Moyers on religious values in politics. AlterNet: A Time for Heresy It was in the name of Jesus that a Methodist ship caulker named Edward Rogers …
Congress moves to bar states from making food safer – Yahoo! News What the food industry wants – and what several other industries are seeking – is one-stop shopping. It …
Greg Palast has the dirt: Bush Didn’t Bungle Iraq, You Fools THE MISSION WAS INDEED ACCCOMPLISHED And you know, it’s so obvious, we should have known all along…