
White House declines to disclose visits by health industry executives – Los Angeles Times

    So much for that unprecedented transparency we were going to get from Obama. Next time someone from the DNC or Organizing for America asks for money, send a check to CREW instead. They at least are fighting to keep those fuckers honest.    

Understanding and treating the hidden wounds of war

Documentary video explores the hidden wounds of war
Date: Wednesday, 7/21
Time: 6:30 pm
Place: Joy Mennonite Church, 504 NE 16th, OKC
The Oklahoma Center for Conscience and Oklahoma GI Rights Hotline invite you to a screening of the film “PTSD: Invisible Wounds of War” on Tuesday, July 21 at 6:30 pm at Joy Mennonite Church in Oklahoma […]

On Cronkite's Mixed Legacy

    Before you get too misty eyed in mourning Walter Cronkite and the lost integrity of US newsrooms, read this.    

Booman Tribune ~ A Progressive Community

    Booman’s response to Pat Buchanan’s racist vomiting on MSNBC. A countering righteous rant by another white man, but one who gets the value diversity gives to all of us.    

More than 100 people sign State Rep. Sally Kern’s proclamation | OKG

    “Many of them [the signatures] are illegible..” Yeah, I bet they are. Chickenshits, can’t even proudly own their bigotry like Sally.