
DownWithTyranny!: Max Baucus Kills The Public Option?

    “Just now some poor woman from the DSCC called soliciting money from me to help elect more Democrats so they could complete the work that we started by electing president Obama and enact the policies Americans care about most. I asked her what those policies were. She seemed stunned by [sic] eventually she said “health care.” I asked her how many Democrats were in the Senate. She didn’t know. I asked her if she knew who Max Baucus is. She didn’t. I asked for her supervisor. He said he’d pass my misgivings along… to someone. If you hear from the DSCC let them know why you won’t be donating to their scam.”    

Dobbs Conspiracy

    “We need to present CNN with an overwhelming public response to Dobbs’ relentless promotion of these conspiracy theories tinged with racism.

So, please sign the following petition today and demand that CNN address its Lou Dobbs problem in a credible manner.”    

Privileging opposition to abortion | Media Matters for America

    Other than calling Chris Matthews a “reporter,” this is a good analysis of how the media is skewing this aspect of the health care debate. If those who oppose abortion get to omit the procedure from coverage, then I and other pacifists want control of the Pentagon budget. Fair is fair.    

The Oklahoman's pity party

An open letter to the OKC Council & mayor: Dear Oklahoma City Council members and Mayor Mick Cornett: “Pity the members of the Oklahoma City Council.” Thus began an editorial, …

Oklahoma City's Union Station – Petition – 1000 sign in 3 days!

    * LAST CALL!!* to Sign the Petition to *“SAVE UNION STATION RAIL YARD”*!!!

If you haven’t signed, PLEASE do so and then forward
to your friends.

We’ll let you know when the Petition will be submitted LIVE! to the
Oklahoma City Council, so that you can join in.

Thank you!!!!

PS: We have 1,500 signatures so far.    

Some refuse to believe this train has left station |

    Read the comments that follow this stupid, mean and misleading editorial — amazing pushback to the powers that be in OKC. The people of Oklahoma WANT to save the Union Station Railyard and have decent public transportation including light rail. If you are resident of city, please call your council member, the mayor and the paper to say: “Saving rail yard is the ONLY action that makes sense!”    

Campaign Silo » Dear Congress: You Can Take A Vacation When You Get the Job Done

Source: campaignsilo.firedog…
    Please sign the petition.