White House declines to disclose visits by health industry executives – Los Angeles Times

Source: www.latimes.com
    So much for that unprecedented transparency we were going to get from Obama. Next time someone from the DNC or Organizing for America asks for money, send a check to CREW instead. They at least are fighting to keep those fuckers honest.    

On Cronkite's Mixed Legacy

Source: www.boomantribune.com
    Before you get too misty eyed in mourning Walter Cronkite and the lost integrity of US newsrooms, read this.    

Booman Tribune ~ A Progressive Community

Source: www.boomantribune.com
    Booman’s response to Pat Buchanan’s racist vomiting on MSNBC. A countering righteous rant by another white man, but one who gets the value diversity gives to all of us.    

More than 100 people sign State Rep. Sally Kern’s proclamation | OKG Scene.com

Source: www.okgazette.com
    “Many of them [the signatures] are illegible..” Yeah, I bet they are. Chickenshits, can’t even proudly own their bigotry like Sally.