The Bipartisan
Ian Welch: it’s not hyperbole at all to say that Obama is Bush’s third term. He has embraced Bush’s wars, Bush’s approach to executive power, Bush’s civil liberties doctrines and …
Activist | Writer | Journalist | Editor | Podcaster | Web Developer
Ian Welch: it’s not hyperbole at all to say that Obama is Bush’s third term. He has embraced Bush’s wars, Bush’s approach to executive power, Bush’s civil liberties doctrines and …
… then it’s much easier to manipulate them later. When the antics are a little more serious.
Just got back from an AMAZING talk by Huwaida Arraf, co-founder of the International Solidarity Movement. She spoke for two hours about her own experience as a Palestinian-American who went …
Support IVAW’s Operation Recovery and sign their pledge. “We need 4,823 more signatures to meet our goal of 10,000 by Thursday, Veterans Day,” they say. Iraq Veterans Against the War …
Back on September 26, I joined the band MoonSue and friends as they filmed a music video on the steps of the Oklahoma State Capitol. My photos are here. Now …
Girlfriend! You are asking for trouble when you imply that your unmarried childless opponent is — well exactly what WAS Mary Fallin implying? Whatever it was she was signaling to …
I’ve always liked the number three, well at least since I was about 4 and one day it hit me that I liked it (maybe year 3 looked good in …
Top 10 Anti-Gay Politicians Caught Being Gay: Anti-Gay Activists Out of The Closet | Ranker – A World of Lists. Mark Foley is all the way down at #14, so …
There was a local event associated with today’s One Nation Working Together rally in DC. Here are my photos. My camera’s batteries gave out, so mostly just got shots of …