Hillary, stop calling me!

In the past couple of months, we must have gotten about 20 phone calls from Hillary Clinton's campaign. The most recent one was this afternoon — Super Tuesday — with …


PeopleProducts123 — an arty, non-aggressive anti-consumerism project from the Anti-Advertising Agency — … reconnects labor and products through improved packaging which features images and stories about the workers who make …

Best acting by a dog

Hey, the award season is upon us. I nominate this little guy for an Oscar, or maybe that should be Emmy since it's shown on TV. Adopt your companion animals …

Blogroll Amnesty Day

Bloggers of the world unite! If you’re not a blogger or webmaster yourself, you may not know that the list of other blogs that you see on many sites, including …

Strange Fruit

Strange Fruit Southern trees bear a strange fruit, Blood on the leaves and blood at the root, Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze, Strange fruit hanging from the poplar …

Improv Everywhere

Observer #1: What is it? Observer #2: Some kind of protest. Observer #3: Fookin' cool! Street theater for the 21st Century, performance art on steroids, whatever, it's subverting the dominant …