Democrats good day

Well, let's hope this kind of activity in DC becomes a trend: The House Democrats actually showed some spine and stood up for the Constitution today, and blew off the …

Our Thermopylae

Continuing the theme of music videos set to speeches, here's a soaring rendition of Al Gore's testimony before Congress, in which he challenges politicians to “walk through the fire” of …


The dull roar you hear is the growing chorus of voices complaining about the rampant misogyny at MSNBC, the biggest perps being Chris Matthews, aka Tweety, wanker emeritus, the most …

Waxing poetic on politics

Connie at Planet of the Blind wants the whole class to write Haiku to Bush. So Snag offered this little gem: There's blood on the ground For sweet sweet crude …

The war president

Earlier this month I posted a pro-Obama video, in which one of the candidate's speeches was transformed into a song. The vid went viral on the Net, and has gotten …