Election watch: Protect your vote

This is a followup to my post “Following the elections online” from back in September. x EdgeDriven_Widget(“?method=getswf&pid=111111111170&iid=0122542458282&width=480&height=348”,0122542458282,480,348); This video is from from Color of Change, an inspiring grassroots group based …

Margaret and Helen

I don’t know if this blog is really written by an 82 year old woman living in Texas writing to her friend in Maine, who had to have her blog …

Nothing to read here, move along

I’m not feeling very inspired right now, so here are some suggestions of some other things you might find interesting to read: On the ground reports on voting irregularities around …

Black Blizzard

Feeling under the weather (pun intended, see below), I took a nap today, and happened to turn the TV to the History Channel. My lucky day; they slipped up and …

GOTV videos get personal

Moveon.org has come up with a cool tool to get out the vote — videos than contain the viewer’s name as the deadbeat non-voter who caused McCain to win by …

Commander in Chief

In a wider discussion of the media’s long-time idolization of John McCain, Glenn Greenwald made this very important point about the militarization of our culture. If I could be granted …

The problem with McCain-Palin, condensed

Mccain and Palin and their ilk don’t laugh. They patronize. They don’t smile, they snicker. They don’t debate, they denigrate. They don’t talk, they condescend. They don’t argue, they ridicule. There is a nastiness, a mean-spiritedness, a smug certitude, and a profound and baseless arrogance seething from both of them. These aren’t leaders. They’re not even grownups.