“The Gang of Eight briefing system has been neither an element of “comity” nor a “fundamental compact” but rather a keystone of a dysfunctional, abusive relationship that guts our Constitution.
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HBO’s “Path to War” leaves out some of the most shameful brainstorms of the Vietnam War’s masterminds — including a little-known recruitment program that turned the mentally and physically deficient into cannon fodder.
McNamara’s Project 100,000 was a heinous idea, and is echoed in today’s lowered recruitment standards of the “volunteer” Army.
The New York Times reports today that when President Bush opens his library at Southern Methodist University in 2013, “visitors will most likely get to see one of his most treasured items: Saddam Hussein’s pistol.”
Oh, for the love of god, can it get any more stupid than this?
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And Obama wants to keep it that way.”