Got this email this afternoon from Batch at the Peace House.
PROGRAM: Nuclear Disarmament in Congress & around USASunday, October 4th
4:30 pm – – – – – Gather: Snacks, Refreshments, Solidarity
4:45-6:00 pm – PROGRAM: speakers, power-point, short video
COMMUNITY HALL: Church of the Open Arms
3131 N. Pennsylvania Ave. OKCTwo speakers on a national tour supporting nuclear disarmament will be in OKC, Sunday, Oct. 4 to present a program including PowerPoint and short video. They represent – – – taking their program to 12 states including Oklahoma.
“We should all be nuclear disarmament activists, as we are all activists for abolition of the death penalty, racism, homophobia, and for sustainability.”
– – – – – Nathaniel BatchelderUS Representatives, Eleanor Holmes Norton, re-introduced for the NINTH time her “Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act,” HR-1653, which was inspired by
The bill was first introduced in 1994, then 1995, 1997, and 1999, when U.S. Representative Lynn Woolsey (CA) joined Ms. Norton and several experts on nuclear disarmament issues to announce active support for the legislation, and again in 2001, 2003, and 2005, when Representative Woolsey, plus John Lewis and Cynthia McKinney of Georgia, and Sheila Jackson-Lee of Texas, quickly signed on, and in 2007 (see Ms. Norton’s announcement).
Other co-sponsors have included Fortney Pete Stark (California), David Minge and James Oberstar (Minnesota), Charles Rangel (New York), Al Wynn (Maryland), Earl Hilliard (Alabama). As each Congressional session ends, all unvoted-on legislation expires and must be re-introduced. Your help is needed in obtaining LOTS of co-sponsors in this Congress! So far Representatives Dennis Kucinich (OH) and John Lewis (GA) have agreed verbally to co-sponsor. Bipartisan support would be very helpful.
It’s nice that they stopped here, and I plan to attend, but the chances of getting any Oklahoma legislator to co-sponsor this idea anytime soon are nil. Nonetheless, the education is important.