Congresspedia introduces new wiki portals for tracking 2008 congressional races and superdelegates

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Congresspedia, the invaluable resource maintained by Sourcewatch, has recently introduced two new wiki portals that provide information for voters. One, Wiki the Vote, covers the 2008 Congressional elections and the other, the Superdelegate Transparency Project, is a compilation of caucus and primary results in the Democratic Party, district by district. The stated goal for the latter is “to bring transparency and accountability to the Democratic National Convention by providing citizens with information on how the superdelegates could impact the outcome of the nomination.”

Both projects are participatory, using the collaborative publishing medium of a wiki, the same one used by Wikipedia, and are in need of volunteers to input known data from other sources, to update and edit.

The Oklahoma pages on both projects are in need of a volunteer or two.

At the Oklahoma and the U.S. Congress page you can add news that relates to the campaigns or candidates.

The state page includes a list of politically themed blogs, and you are invited to have yours added if it isn't already listed. Blue Oklahoma and Okie Funk were among the 18 Oklahoma political blogs listed; Peace Arena was not. (This type of addition is by request to an editor, I presume to lessen link spam)

Oklahoma's Superdelegate Transparency Project page tells us that Brad Henry and Dan Boren are among Oklahoma's eight superdelegates — but not much more. A link to a nationwide superdelegate chart is provided, the data just needs to be brought over.

But who are our other superdelegates?

Tulsa World addressed this in a Jan. 21 story.

They include Gov. Brad Henry and U.S. Rep. Dan Boren, the state