6.0 forever

Michelle Kwan left Turin today, the Olympics, and her competitive career. I’m feeling bittersweet — so sad for her, but so proud of her dignity, her sacrifice, and her perspective …

Studying war

If I wasn’t already committed to going to Oklahoma next week, I’d probably go to this geeky extravaganza.

Next up: Iran

“We don’t need no stinkin’ intelligence!” In evaluating the danger that non-state terrorists represent, and in assessing the danger that a potentially nuclear Iran might constitute, commentators often utilize the …

An Oprah moment

Anne Lamott is one of those rare writers that tell all the truth all the time, even when talking to nice progressive Catholics about abortion.

Straight acting

Dan Savage uncovers a mountain of denial in the latest conservative dustups over gays and movies: Sometimes I wonder if evangelicals really believe that gay men can go straight. If …