OK Dems experience Denver light rail

Calvin Rees, one of the credentialed bloggers at the Democratic Convention  took a look at Denver’s light rail system, and wrote up something of a review of it.

We have been using light rail in Denver and trying to check out how it would work in Oklahoma City. I rode it to the Convention area in downtown Denver and back to the hotel which is located in southeast Denver.

It was an interesting experience even though I had experience when living in Europe. I talked to some locals and they said they are using it more because of the high price of gasoline but that it is not always convenient to where they want to go. Some of our Delegates liked it but some had to stand all the way to where they were going.

The price of the ticket was $3 for a round trip but a monthly pass is just $108 and $54 for seniors, Disable students aged 6 through 19.